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Curva de lectura 2025

 ¡Feliz año 2025! Empiezo el año recordándote sobre nuestro plan de lectura anual ¡la curva de lectura 2025! para estudiantes de español desde nivel B2, una modalidad diferente y amena para aprender más de libros y conocer estudiantes de otros países con los mismos intereses que tú.  Te recuerdo, como en años anteriores , que el motivo de la curva de lectura 2025 no es más que un reto literario o club de lectura enfocado en estudiantes de español desde el nivel B2.  Como ya de seguro lo sabes, el nombre curva de lectores se debe a la posibilidad de participar en una modalidad más flexible, sin obligatoriedad mensual, por eso la palabra curva; trayectoria abierta que permite salir del ritmo de las reuniones, si un mes estás muy atareada(o), con otros compromisos o simplemente la temática no te atrae. No obstante, como estoy presentándote las temáticas de todo el año te sugiero que programes tus lecturas del año, decide en cuáles te gustaría participar y comienza a leer de...

8 Tips To Learn Spanish…And Other Languages

libro, papel y boligrafo

All people that dedicate to learning languages other than their mother language enter an incredible world, full of grammatical rules, curiosities and even eccentricities sometimes,  which can influence the learning of a new language, it’s for this, that I bring these 8 Tips To Learn Spanish, which are based in knowledge acquired through the learning and psychology experience to use as suggestions to practice and to bring them to you.

Clases de español online

8 Tips To Learn Spanish And Other Languages

Without further ado then let´s know the 8 tips to learning Spanish and other languages.

1. Make your learning something meaningful, enter the world of constructivism

What do I mean by this? get involved from doing, that is to say that what has been learned has a degree of importance for you and links with your previous experience, therefore critically evaluate the way in which the teacher gives you the material or information.
It is not the same a teacher who condition: to speak and only listen to a master class type, to that teacher who involves you by participating in your knowledge and allowing you to increase your mastery in relation to a topic while developing activities, produce content and create a relationship with what you learn Based on what you already know, relate concepts and ideas and applaud the teacher who encourages you to do it.

2. Read in the language that you want to learn

A method that may be difficult at the beginning, but that facilitates the acquisition of a new vocabulary, certainly turns out to be reading in the language you are learning, of course, read articles that are of your level and interest and have a dictionary nearby.
The idea is to read and understand what you read, and if there are words that you don't know or don't understand, a dictionary can help you.
Studies show that reading helps the brain to make new neuronal or synaptic connections and that these favor the acquisition, accommodation and memorization of new words that are stored and then you can use them to communicate, without making it conscious.
Expand your vocabulary, read and understand.

3. Choose words to create imaginary phrases in hypotheticals situations

This advice, in addition to giving you the possibility of motivating yourself, gives you the opportunity to increase your creativity as you create phrases or stories using them in imaginary situations. Your imagination and creativity will begin to expand, and little by little you will begin to notice that the stories occur more easily.

4. Dedicate time every day

The dedication undoubtedly accompanies the good student that seeks 8 Tips To Learn Spanish, and in many cases it does not highlight the amount of hours, but the quality of what you study, that is, every day dedicate a space of your time, to perform some activity related to language learning , activity that you think nourishes you and that you feel that at the end of it you learned something new.

5. Disposition and proactive attitude together with motivation

This advice may be logical, however, there are people who lose sight of the fact that if there is no mental disposition or attitude to learn, you can have excellent teachers but your learning will not be as expected.

6. Be in contact with different media: auditive, visual and recreational

Age does not matter when it comes to 8 Tips To Learn Spanish, so let the inner child in you out, and experience activities without belittling any means; listen to music, watch series, games, etc., each and every one has its potential, just as there are people who have different skills or talents that can allow the acquisition of new material to arrive and stay in a better way.

7. Travel to places where Spanish is the native language

If you are an adventurer, this tip is the best one you have read. When you travel, you live new experiences, local knowledge, diverse cultures and above all you are exposed to the language, you will also learn directly with the native people, you will want to learn more, the challenge will be with yourself, and believe me, after knowing Latin America, you'll want to learn, talk and enjoy your trip more.

8. Study with a native teacher

Take the opportunity offered by this type of pages to locate teachers who are native, because in this way they can offer you in addition to their knowledge, invaluable cultural material, here I am at your service and I can help you put these humble tips into practice =)
Much success in your learning.

Did you like knowing these 8 Tips To Learn Spanish and other languages? Leave a comment below and share with your friends.


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